What to Do When You Lose a Tooth: 5 Important Steps

May 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 9:11 pm
Holding a lost tooth with two hands

Across the country, more than 5 million teeth are knocked out every year. A knocked-out tooth isn’t necessarily gone for good, but you have a very limited timeframe in which to act; you need to get your emergency endodontist in less than an hour if you want to save it. To ensure that you don’t lose valuable time in a situation where every second counts, take the time to memorize these 5 essential steps for saving a tooth that has come out of its socket.

1. Pick the Tooth Up by the Crown

As soon as you realize your tooth is missing, find it! Do not leave the site of the accident until you’ve recovered it. Once you’ve located the tooth, pick it up by the crown (the surface that’s used for chewing). Do not touch the roots under any circumstances; doing so could kill the cells still living on the tooth, and that could compromise your endodontist’s ability to replant it.

2. Rinse the Tooth Off Gently

There might be a small amount of dirt or debris on the tooth once it has been on the ground. You’ll want to get rid of such pollutants before putting the tooth back in your mouth, but you need to be very gentle so as not to damage the roots. You should only use water to rinse off the tooth. Do not expose it to soap or chemicals of any kind, and especially don’t scrub or dry it with a tissue or cloth.

3. Put the Tooth Back in Its Socket

The best way to preserve a knocked-out tooth is to keep it in its original socket. There are two ways you can do this: you can either gently push it in with your fingers, or you can simply close your mouth after positioning the tooth above the socket. To make sure the tooth stays in place, keep your mouth closed as much as possible. You can also hold it in place with your fingers.

4. Keep the Tooth Moist at All Times

The tooth must remain moist in order to keep the cells on the roots alive. If the tooth won’t stay in its socket, you can store it in the space between your gums and cheek, or you can put it in milk or a saline solution. Avoid using tap water, as the root cells can’t survive for very long in it.

5. See Your Endodontist Immediately

It’s best to see the endodontist in less than an hour – ideally within 30 minutes of the injury. It’s still possible to save a tooth past the hour mark, but the chances of success are much greater the earlier you can be seen.

If you have any other questions about what you should do in case of an emergency, talk to your endodontist. A knocked-out tooth is something you hope you’ll never have to deal with, but in the event it does happen, you need to be prepared.

About the Practice

At Endodontic Associates Saratoga, three endodontic specialists put their years of training and study to use in helping patients eliminate even the most severe and persistent dental pain. In addition to performing typical endodontic procedures like root canal therapy, they can also save knocked-out teeth in an emergency situation. To schedule an appointment, visit our website; in the event of an emergency, call us right away at (408) 255-6511.

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