3 Emergencies Where You’ll Need the Help of an Endodontist

May 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 3:06 pm

Woman in striped sweater nursing a toothacheYou probably already know that if you’ve injured a tooth or are suffering from some kind of oral pain, you’re generally better off calling your emergency dentist in Saratoga than the emergency room. But is there a specific kind of dentist you should call? There are many emergencies where an endodontist will be the most qualified specialist to relieve your pain and prevent the loss of your tooth. In this post, you’ll learn more about 3 severe oral health issues where you’ll want to get in touch with a skilled endodontist as soon as possible.

1. Severe Tooth Pain When Biting

Dental pulp contains all the nerves of the tooth; thus, when it becomes infected, you’ll probably experience tooth discomfort on a regular basis. In some cases, you might not notice that anything is wrong until you bite down on a piece of food, at which point sharp pain will occur. In general, any kind of tooth pain that occurs on a regular basis or doesn’t go away after a couple of days should be examined by an endodontist as soon as possible.

2. Broken or Fractured Teeth

A tooth might eventually become broken from simply wear and tear, but of course such fractures can also suddenly occur due to an injury or a blow to the mouth. Not all cracks are dangerous; in fact, some may only require a simple cosmetic procedure to hide them. With that said, there are many situations where the fracture leads to various kinds of tooth pain that come and go. An endodontist can evaluate the damage to figure out what the best form of treatment is. Sometimes the tooth can be fixed quickly with a crown, but on occasion you may need root canal therapy to remove irrevocably damaged or infected pulp.

3. Tooth Abscess

If part or all of the pulp in your tooth has died, the tissue will form a pocket known as an abscess. These pockets are filled with bacteria and pus, and if they are left alone for too long, they can easily cause the infection to spread and start damaging other parts of the body. By the time an abscess has formed, tooth decay has reached a very advanced stage. In other words, it means you’re running out of time to try and save the tooth with root canal therapy. Call your endodontist immediately as soon as you find a pimple-like growth on your gums.

An endodontist is in the business of preserving your natural smile, and you can trust them to handle a wide variety of situations where root canal therapy or tooth repair is required. If you don’t already have your local endodontic office in your emergency contacts, now is the time to add that number!

About the Author

Dr. An Nguyen completed her specialty endodontics training at the Saint Louis University Center for Advanced Dental Education. She is well-respected in her field, and she takes pride in using her meticulous dental skills and flawless restorative care to save smiles in Saratoga. If you’re in need of emergency endodontic care, you can get in touch with her practice, Endodontic Associates Saratoga, by calling (408) 255-6511; you can also visit her website here.

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