Why Do I Need an Endodontist for a Root Canal in Saratoga?

October 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — endosaratoga @ 7:42 pm

root canal procedureHas your dentist recently recommended you have a root canal in Saratoga to save a severely damaged tooth? If so, you need more than just a general dentist to perform the procedure. Since the treatment is a little complex, it is best to trust your smile to the hands of an expert. An endodontist is specially trained to diagnose and treat issues involving the interior of a tooth. As a specialist in saving teeth, you can rest assured you will receive the best care possible.

Why Should I See an Endodontist?

The American Association of Endodontists reports 15.1 million root canals are performed each year. Although they are among the most common restorative procedures, they are only recommended when there are no other viable treatments to save your tooth. Of those conducted, 72% are done by general dentists while 28% are performed by endodontists.

While you could choose a general dentist to perform the treatment, it is best to see a professional who specializes in rehabilitating the teeth. An endodontist not only completes their general dentistry degree, but also extends their training by at least 2 years to concentrate on tooth pain, root canals, and other treatments related to the interior of the tooth.

Their advanced training gives the in-depth knowledge of diseased dental pulp and how to treat it. Since a root canal involves extracting the pulp, they have the highest level of skill to safely and effectively perform the treatment.

How Can an Endodontist Help Me?

A tooth that has suffered significant damage from decay, infection, or a break often requires a root canal to save it from needing to be extracted. Unfortunately, sometimes the procedure is recommended when it is not needed. As a specialist in the field, an endodontist will evaluate the tooth and your pain to determine if it is really in your best interest.

If there are no other treatments to save your tooth, they remove the areas of damage and extract the pulp using advanced technology and dental methods. Your tooth is sterilized and sealed before placing a custom-made crown over it to restore its function and appearance.

Besides root canals, an endodontist should also be your first choice when needing an emergency dentist in Saratoga. They are experts in pain management to get to the underlying cause of your discomfort to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Invest in Your Smile

You deserve to benefit from the best when it comes to the health of your smile. If you need a root canal, do not turn to just anyone. Choose the trusted choice with an endodontist.

About Endodontic Associates Saratoga

Endodontic Associates Saratoga has 3 endodontists on your team to save your smile. In addition to several years of advanced training, they are also supported by years of hands-on experience to rehabilitate compromised teeth. If you need a root canal, do not settle for anything less than you deserve. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.


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