Emergency Dentist in Saratoga: The 5 Steps to Save Knocked-Out Teeth

July 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 10:52 pm

An illustration of a dental emergency.

It’s amazing how quickly a fun day in the sun riding bikes with the family can turn into a dental emergency. In the unfortunate event that you fall off your bike and knock out a tooth in the process, your emergency dentist in Saratoga wanted to offer the best steps to saving your tooth before you visit the practice.

Following these steps can mean the difference between reimplanting your tooth and needing expensive restorative care later. These are the five steps every person should follow.

Stay Calm and Locate the Tooth

The first step is always to locate the tooth. If found, it can be used for reimplantation. To ensure this, make sure to only pick it up by the crown, which is the area that’s visible in your smile. Never touch the root (pointed end) or remove any tissue still attached as this will dramatically decrease the chances of it being usable. Once you’ve located the tooth, you can start cleaning it.

Clean the Tooth

If you notice any dirt or debris on the tooth, use only water to rinse the crown portion. Never use soap or other cleaning materials. Be sure not to scrub the tooth as this can easily cause tissue to come off. Never wrap the tooth in a tissue or cloth as this will dry it out.

Place Into the Socket

Once cleaned, attempt to place the tooth back into the socket facing the direction it was before. Gently push it in with your fingers or gently bite down once in position. You can also keep the tooth in your cheek to keep it moist.

If placing the tooth back into the socket is not possible or you’re afraid of accidentally swallowing it, place it inside a container of milk, saline solution, saltwater, or saliva. Milk is the best option for preserving teeth.

Retain Moisture at All Costs

Dryness is a knocked-out tooth’s worst enemy. The longer the tooth is dry, the lower your chances are of successfully reimplanting it later. Avoid using water to keep it preserved as the root structure and cells can’t tolerate it. Milk is far more effective thanks to its proteins, anti-bacterial substances, and sugars, which promote cell growth.

Keep in mind that you can only keep the tooth preserved for approximately an hour, even when using a tooth-friendly liquid like milk.

Get to Your Endodontist in Saratoga

Ideally, you should see an endodontist within 30 minutes of the accident occurring. The sooner you get to the practice, the higher your chances are of saving the tooth and not needing a dental implant later.

With these five steps in mind, you and your family will be better prepared to handle dental emergencies like these. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to schedule a same-day appointment with an endodontist today!

About the Author

Dr. An Nguyen earned her DDS degree from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. Thanks to her specialty training in endodontics, as well as her excellent clinical skills, she’s more than prepared to help patients restore their smile after a dental injury. To learn more about her practice, contact her through her website.

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