What Does Pain After a Root Canal Mean?

March 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 10:59 pm
Woman experiencing pain after root canal in Saratoga

In the past, root canal therapy was a painful procedure that struck dread into patients’ hearts. Today, though, this treatment is quite comfortable. Modern techniques and anesthesia mean that most patients can breeze through the procedure while feeling little to nothing. Not long after their appointment, they are back to feeling normal. But what if you experience pain after a root canal in Saratoga? Depending on what the pain feels like, you might need to schedule an appointment with an endodontist.


Do You Have a Cracked Tooth? 5 Signs to Watch For

January 24, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 7:36 pm
Illustration of cracked tooth in Saratoga between healthy teeth

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body? It is even harder than your bones! Despite how tough it is, however, it is susceptible to damage. It may become cracked if you bite down on hard objects like ice or pen caps, or if it is exposed to extreme and sudden temperature changes. Left untreated, a cracked tooth in Saratoga may lead to pain and other unpleasant consequences. How can you tell if you might be suffering from a cracked tooth? Here are five signs to watch out for.


5 Steps to Take After a Tooth Gets Knocked Out

January 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 7:41 pm
A person holding a knocked out tooth in Saratoga.

Dental emergencies don’t happen often, but when they do, it always helps to know what to do next. While close to 180 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, you don’t have to give up if you find yourself dealing with a knocked out tooth in Saratoga. With these steps in mind, you can make the best of your bad situation ahead of your emergency dental appointment. Remember, only a dental professional (such as an endodontist) can effectively resolve your situation.


4 Reasons to See an Endodontist Instead of a Dentist for a Root Canal

October 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 10:31 pm
Nameplate with the word “endodontist” on it

When you have a toothache, your first instinct is probably going to be to call your regular dentist. However, if they decide that you need root canal therapy to remove an infection, they are very likely to refer you to an endodontist in Saratoga. While normal dentists have some amount of endodontic training, endodontists specialize in such procedures, and that can make all the difference in the quality of your care. Read on to learn why you should choose an endodontist to save your tooth.


The 5 Steps for Handling a Knocked-Out Tooth

September 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — endosaratoga @ 9:49 pm

Millions of children and adults have their teeth knocked out every year. What you may not realize, though, is that the tooth isn’t always lost for good. In many cases, the tooth can be replanted so that you can continue to enjoy a completely natural smile with all of your original teeth. Of course, the success of tooth replantation depends on your ability to act quickly and decisively during a dental emergency in Saratoga. Once the worst happens and you find yourself with a gap in your mouth, follow these 5 steps in order to preserve the tooth until you can receive proper medical attention.

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